Friday, July 31, 2009

A robust worldview (part 3)

The number of worldviews that exist today runs the gamut from A (Atheism) to Z (Zoroastrianism). According to Kenneth Samples, a worldview is defied as, "a general context for life, providing a vision of what one considers authentically real." A worldview would encompass what one really holds true in life. A person's worldview would then be displayed in how one lives and approaches life on a daily basis.

If anyone claimed to be of a particular worldview, but lived a different lifestyle, then it is reasonable to conclude they do not adhere to the view in which they are claiming. A person's lifestyle reflects what they really believe to be true. Actions always follow what an individual believes at the core of their heart.

Christianity, through the person of Jesus, makes the claim that it is the only worldview that is true. Jesus, in fact, claims that salvation can only be found in him (John 14:6). With the myriad of worldviews out there, all of them can't be correct according to the Law of the Excluded Middle. It is possible for one to be correct as Jesus stated for the Christian worldview.

In order to evaluate a worldview, one must examine each worldview to determine if it is logical, consistent, and if it corresponds to reality. Reality is what we know to be true. The Christian worldview invites testing (I Thessalonians 5:21). When reaching a conclusion, the only worldview that can be accepted is the one that fully corresponds to reality. Some worldviews may have aspects of truth, but only one can be fully true; for truth by its very nature is exclusive. It is possible that all worldviews could be false, but only one can be true.

Christianity has withstood the test of time for some 2000 years and has met every challenge. Other worldviews have flaws, in that they do not match with reality on one level or another. Only Christianity can meet all the worldview tests. A robust worldview is one that can withstand the thorough tests and still be standing based on its corresponding to reality. Perhaps Christianity has withstood for so many years, because it does represent the one view that is exclusively true?

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